
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Cash sent home by workers

Cash sent home by workers who have moved abroad now dwarfs the turnover of giant firms:

"TOP TEN SENDERS United States £49,504m Germany£8,440m Canada£7,901m France£7,328m UK£6,939m Saudi Arabia £6,161m Spain£5,357m Australia£4,334m Italy£3,199m Japan£2,616m"

It's an interesting situation. If you look at which countries are benefitting from migrant money being sent back to them then the impact on economies is quite significant. We are a world where people travel. We are a world where people take jobs where they can find them. We are eroding the boundaries of nationality and nations. So what might that all mean in terms of GNP and the economy of a specific nation? It will impact. Now they are looking at it , we shall find out how.

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