
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Slapstick driver hits the gas

Slapstick driver hits the gas: "The car rammed a brick pillar, which failed to stop it, continued over the front lawn, across a road, through a neighbour's timber fence and into the neighbour's house, where it cracked a gas pipe and damaged the gas main."
He was 19 and trying to reverse out of the garage at 4.40 in the afternoon. His foot got stuck on the accelerator. It tends to suggest he was in a highly nervous state. I can remember at 18 trying to back out of my parents' driveway. I was off course and I just kept reversing. My dad was yelling from the porch to take my foot off the accelerator. It just wouldn't ~!! I took out the letterbox and the fence...which my Dad repaired. I did manage to stop the car before going back over the street. I was a nervous wreck. Stressed out. I have never done anything like it since. All my Dad said was, "I did tell you not to keep reversing back," and he left it at that. My conscience did the rest. I don't know why my foot wouldn't obey orders. This accident is more serious because of the gas pipe. Fortunately it was all managed really well. I hope the young boy is okay and I hope the neighbours are calmer now because it must have been very worrying. No one gets up in the morning to reverse out in the afternoon and wreak complete havoc. Since the Commodore was written off the young man has a good chance to really think this all through. Something went quite wrong for him.

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