
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Daylight crime spree

AdelaideNow... Daylight crime spree: "That is, until four teenage girls brandishing swords burst through the doors of their service station and demanded cash."

So should they have been at school?? A long article about our crime sprees in Adelaide and our constant daylight robberies which are most likely drug driven. The things we are totally sick of. The young 19 year old Daniel is a new recruit to our land but he was remarkably quick thinking and flexible in his actions during a time of great duress. A boy who can obviously think very well on his feet and it's a pretty sad state of affairs that this is this family's welcome to Adelaide. What it has taught us is that young Daniel is very law abiding and wants to help stop this nonsense. This time wasting, terrifying nonsense. He has been brave enough to take sensible action. He did what he could by keeping himself safe and letting the police get the information they needed to pursue this further. No use talking about it. Change is action. We do have to do something about this because we are driving around with our car doors locked because people are becoming far too opportunistic.

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