
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Child food allergies up 12-fold in 10 years

Child food allergies up 12-fold in 10 years : "'For parents, you will see a kid who looks normal one minute and the next minute has swollen up like a puffer fish, and the parents are scared out of their wits,' he said."
It is scary. It is always worse when you see a young child suffering. Okay, so we have collected the evidence. We now know there are more cases of food anaphylaxis and peanuts, eggs and milk seems to be the main things. We have doctors talking to each other and researchers. So we are painting the picture. Now we have to work out why. It does seem rather odd. It does seem strange that it's common foods. We have always known about seafood allergies, now it seems to be common foods and foods which are the foundation blocks of other foods and products. now we need to start analyzing!

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