
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Craigie joins brains trust

AdelaideNow... Craigie joins brains trust: "His methods involved training players harder to reach peak fitness during the finals series."

He has a lot of emotional intelligence as well as brain power. He is quite a remarkable package, mainly because he is so humble. He is a man of few words. Says little and does lots. He has this winning way and yet you wouldn't think so. He doesn't trumpet his achievements and he has demonstrated his prowess at team building with our cyclists and now the Crows. It's his balance of using older players to mentor younger ones and younger ones to boost older ones. It's all in the mix.He is not frightened to give young players a break, nor does he denigrate experience. He's very intuitive in lots of ways. He never pushes players. He challenges them, he makes tough decisions, but he doesn't push people to a limit where they cannot cope and then break down. Nor will he play anyone who is not fit. He is prepared to bide his time and look at options. That's what I really admire about him. He looks after the human factor and he is willing to allow players to have a chance and thereby become part of a strong team. He always has options.

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