
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Little Tizer's mates need help

AdelaideNow... Little Tizer's mates need help: "The Royal Society for the Blind Guide Dog Service needs 'puppy educators' to take care of labrador puppies, like 12-week old Tizer, sponsored by The Advertiser."

I have a friend who looks after Guide Dog puppies or guide dogs while their owners need a break for whatever reason. He and his wife have more or less dedicated their lives to it since their children left home. He just loves dogs and they are so happy with them. How could you resist the cute little puppy on the site I have linked to? The Guide Dogs association helps you train them and gives you a lot of support , so you just need to have the commitment, a safe back yard and a car. Obviously you have to think about it. When you do it , you will know these dogs are the eyes of another person and that will help you say good bye...and maybe even let you take on another one. Why haven't I got one? At the moment I have a dog who came from the RSPCA. She had been starved and maltreated. She is happy and well now but I don't want her to have any "issues" because I bring a puppy into the house.

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