
Saturday, February 03, 2007

Scientists agree man is to blame

Scientists agree man is to blame for the world's climate change: "'If we are going to change our attitude to climate change properly there has to be a culture change in every home in the country and I think it will be the younger members of our society who will lead the way on that. That is why eco schools are so important.'"

Well, hooray for Scotland. This is the first article I have found where a country has actually said what it is doing instead of pontificating, defending its position or adding more hot air to what we already have far too much of. If I lit bushfires and I was found out a) I'd be doing unspeakable and unthinkable damage to this country and its ecology and b) I'd be put in gaol and severely castigated for being such a stupid, thoughtless, dangerous human. Okay, so global warming has been on the agenda for a while and this leader goes blah blah blah and that leader goes da de da de da and so the scientists say it all again and we get the fingers in the ear and we're not changing, it'll cost jobs, it can't be done la la la la la la. Seriously, if you knew , and we now know again, that we are REALLY damaging the planet and the attitude you adopt is adapt, we can't change...what would you think? Why can't you adapt when I light bush fires? When my company puts poisons into the soil? Where on earth is the common sense of our leaders??? We have to change. We have to change now. We have to make big changes and we ALL have to play a part. If I light bushfires and you don't...should you come and join me lighting bush fires? Should you dissuade me? The apathy and indifference coming from the top is so difficult to understand because it doesn't make sense. Jobs lost will be jobs created in other approaches to living. We change. We don't use cassettes. What happened to those jobs? We don't wear stays, what happened to those jobs? I cannot believe it. I want to hear, right , that's it, we cannot destroy the planet like this any more..we'll change and this is what it will look like and this is what you can do. We, on the ground, are doing our bit, doing our research and we are already doing a lot...but the big changes need to kick in and excuses and stalling are not good enough. How many more people will you allow to suffer flood and storm damage? Why would you let future generations suffer the consequences? What is wrong with looking after the planet???

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