
Friday, February 02, 2007

PM's water plan may force BHP to pay for basin water.

PM's water plan may force BHP to pay for basin water. : "It is the largest user of basin water, drawing 33 million litres of water each day for its South Australian mine at at Roxby Downs in the far north."
Oh for more water discussion. Don't we need water in our Artesian Basin? Irrespective of the price you charge , how will it be replenished? I have heard we need to run nuclear power so we can run desalination plants so we can run water.Other methods would be too expensive apparently. This all needs to come out into the open. We need to see the big picture. We need to talk about it and we need to understand the cost, the players, the impact of various decisions. I do not think it should be a cause to politicise and fight. I think it's a good opportunity for us as a nation to work out a solution to a national problem. We cannot damage our environment nor our economy and we cannot drive people broke nor deprive them of water. Let us look at it and let's see who can save water, how we can provide water , how we can distribute waterand let's all be included in the loop because that way we shall be able to get a whole range of ideas and knowledge at our disposal so that we can make sensible choices and plans. How grown up would that be??!

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