
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Oh Brother! Big business

AdelaideNow... Oh Brother! Big business:

"An international 'click to call' service, connected to the brothers' Idacall website, allows customers to call business free. 'Businesses are jumping at it,' Darren said. 'Soon, you will be able to call hundreds of thousands of businesses in Australia, Britain and the U.S. totally free from the internet and mobiles.'"

We are starting to see the real possibilities behind all our technology now we have some of the younger ones up and running. In different countries individuals are spearheading the real changes we need to occur with our technology so we move on and we can show the technology savvy we ought to have by now. The results are ingenious, interesting, creative and really useful, so the changes are functional as well as inspirational. It's good to see Adelaide up there because we do have good skills in technology here and there are people who really know what tehy are doing and can come of with an original idea. When you see it all in action, it seems obvious, but it's really amazing to see how modern brains are adapting and connecting to all the new information. Love it.

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