
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Batten down for the 2038 bug

Batten down for the 2038 bug :

"Like the Y2K, the 2038 bug is caused by invisible numeric values embedded into software code. But while the millennium bug affected older systems unable to store full century digits, the 2038 glitch is all about the way computer operating systems such as Unix record the passing of time."

The 2038 bug is on its way and I am sure the geeks will explain it to us and find the work arounds. I say geek in the nicest of ways because Adelaide is full of geeks and we love them because they bring us good things! Like the two Americans who brought us You Tube and how happy must they be?! It's to do with 32 bit and 64 bit time but I don't even know what that means except it'll mess with dates...they are going to have to sort it out, but maybe they'll be well balded by then and will speak normal speak to those of us who don't get it! Won't they have a whole lot of new, new ultra new, schmick, modern technology by then? Will this 2038 even be relevant?!

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