
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Australia 'a giant in using up planet'

Australia 'a giant in using up planet' :

"AUSTRALIANS soak up more scarce resources than almost any other nation and produce so much waste on average that their mark on the world's ecology exceeds China, the environmental group WWF said today."

The figures are there and they are not pretty. We used to be very careful. We used to have a way of managing our environment and our lifestyle without being wasteful. Then we became self indulgent and we had the "haves" who had this wonderful sense of entiltelment and no sense of responsibility. Why should they be? They are entitled. This self serving attitude has been difficult to comprehend but it has been allowed to exist. When you then have a government which really doesn't act with any sort of real purpose in terms of our ecological footprint, then yes, we find ourselves ina pickle and now with an embarrassing international image. We were always good at environmental and ecological issues. Now we keep following the dollar. Silly. Silly and so ill informed. The glib, self righteous and couldn't give a stuff attitude is costing us dearly.

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