
Sunday, June 12, 2005

Global Warming

Solutions to Global Warming:

"As the reality of global warming becomes more and more obvious, it is easy to sink into a morass of hopeless resignation or cynicism. This is why, in researching and writing the book, Dead Mars, Dying Earth, we felt it was critical to put forth a series of workable solutions."

This site has a heartwarming approach to the climate change. It is no nonsense and provides an antithesis to things which disturb and destabilise the thinking. It is serious in its intent but includes some good humour to lighten the pitch - like the 10 best things about global warming. I got it from a Google link on the Climate Change site (linked right). Incidently, I have set this blog up on Firefox( have you downloaded your new's good!) and run my screen at 1024 x 768 and the site appears on a white background with the links on the right. To get back to where I was, the Garden Earth Enterprise site also keeps a file of weird weather reports.

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