
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Aussies make bionic eye breakthrough

Aussies make bionic eye breakthrough :

"“The next step from here is that we want to implant a whole bunch of these electrodes and then run a little wire under the skin to behind the patients' ear where we will have a little plug which we can attach to the computer.”"

Was it 6 million dollar man.. the one who was rebuilt and could do all sorts of amazing technical things? So here we are on the brink of the new millennium. Some real space age , high tech medicine. We just had to loosen up and flow with the new age! This is such exciting news, particularly for those who are trapped without sight for one reason or another. We have made some great break throughs for vision impaired people, but with the right sort of funding, this research could restore their sight and wouldn't that be a wonderful use of technology?

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