
Friday, September 22, 2006

Addict parents forced to give urine samples

AdelaideNow... Addict parents forced to give urine samples:

"The report calls for new measures to test the urine of parents believed to be drug addicts, as well testing children who are believed to have been given drugs or born drug dependent."

Quite frankly I think we do have to confront the drug issues head on whether we want to or not. They are doing a lot of damage and they are killing people in a horrible, horrible way. We have been a bit wary about dealing with it. We have hoped it would right itself. We were hoping common sense would prevail, but drugs have got a hold and with good reason. They are making a lot of money for some people. They don't care what happens. There are more users to replace the ones lost along the way. It is hard. It's tough. It's horrible. I doubt druggie parents mean to be bad parents. I doubt welfare workers are meaning to be not as good as they could be. This is no picnic. It is very hard. We just have to tackle it together, lock arms and be prepared to work it through. Those making the money are not easy to deal with. The stuff is coming at us from everywhere and in vast quantities and people take it. They take it. Then kids die. Kids are on the street. Kids are ill. By 20 they look and sound disgusting. It's all very potent and addictive so it's not something you can wean yourself from easily. The thing is not to get started and the thing is to get people early. We have to start young. It's about resetting the balance. We didn't used to have drugs and the sort of stuff which did so much damage so quickly. We didn't have so many little kids dying and so many teenagers and young 20s in such a bad way. Yes, if testing means we can identify the users then we have some hope of identifying the circles. Our customs are working their butts off trying to get the stuff as it comes in. I do wonder why people are so keen to feel so ill but I guess it's what they think they deserve and we get what we are prepared to accept. Test, test and test away. Let's make it as routine to fight it as it is to deal and use it. We are going to have to think ourselves out of this.

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