
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Madonna helps African orphans and upsets the church

AdelaideNow... Madonna helps African orphans and upsets the church:

"Madonna plans to raise at least $US3 million ($A3.95 million) for programs to support orphans in Malawi, and is giving $US1 million ($A1.32 million) to fund a documentary about the plight of children there."

Two separate issues here and they should never be muddled in one article. Her performance is one thing; her generosity and compassion are quite, quite separate and then the bit about studnts to attract money and sell is yet again another issue. One thing at a time. I'd like to focus on the fact she has made a decent effort here to help humanity and to make a difference. She is using her money and name to improve the lot of others. That deserves separate attention and is worth some reasonable coverage.

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