
Friday, August 04, 2006

Dumped, then as happy as Harry

AdelaideNow... Dumped, then as happy as Harry:

"'We weighed him and even with his coat, collar and scarf on he's a tiny 3kg,' Ms Tregenza said. 'But he's got a big appetite and a big heart. He's fantastic.'"

I do not know how people can dump dogs and I don't know how they can starve them either. My current dog has a similar history to Harry and I couldn't feel happier with myself for taking the poor we starved thing into my care. She is now 4 years old and a bundle of healthy , energy and shiny coat. It was upsetting to see her but it has been great to get her to the stage where now she is confident enought to be a food fuss pot when she wants to be!! I am certain Harry has landed well with hios new family and I know they will feel as happy as I do that I dared to give a poor, neglected dog a good home. Like them , I too lost my dog to cancer so it really did help me cope with the trauma of that.

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