
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Genetic databank to catalogue WA residents.

Genetic databank to catalogue WA residents.:

"'We'll be doing things like full body scans on everyone, full respiratory and cardiovascular work-ups, we'll be taking pictures of everyone's retina, [doing] hearing assessments, we'll be scanning thousands of brains."

In theory , this sounds like a good idea to do genetic profiling on a significant current population. It will produce a lot of modern data and given we have such good technology, then I think it will be effective. I do wonder though whether it is a good idea to have all this data stored on computers? I wonder what bad it could be used for? 60, 000 people minimum gives and excellent sample to profile and it means we shall have a databank of current Australians. We all knoe how our privacy is safe guarded. I still wonder how I get random marketing calls on a phone number which I pay to be silent. Callers are always silenced when I ask how they got the number. I think they will need to do better than say they will safeguard privacy. The leaks from computers are widely known.

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