
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Australians step up to be counted.

Australians step up to be counted. :

"Australia's 15th census takes place tonight, with one key difference: this year householders can be counted via the Internet."

Oh yes, we are so excited about the census! The questions are far more personal for women than they are for men and at least they have separated Scotland and Englad whereas they just had England last time. Who knows how the Irish and Welsh decendants will feel. A friend of mine has been helping train those with limited English so they will do a good job tonight. We were discussing whether to do it online or on paper. Mine is on paper. If they want it on computer they can pay someone. I seem to be doing a lot of things someone could be paid for and it's all adding to my workload. The housewife syndrome is alive and well here. We used to have census parties but that kind of fervour appears to have gone. It's all pretty ho-hum these days.

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