
Saturday, July 29, 2006

Japanese delegate ASEAN

Japan launches cold war over room freeze :

"�Japan's government offices and agencies keep the room temperature at 28 (Celsius) degrees. We don't even wear ties,� he said."

Since I am not there I cannot say whether this is over or understated, but the global shortage of energy resources was on the agenda at the ASEAN meeting in Kuala Lumpur. People feel hot or cold and you have to find the happy medium and it's not always easy in some of our weather patterns. We have been through the fire on, fire off, air conditioning on, air conditioning off. I was driving to work with the heater on and driving home with the air conditioner on for quite some time until it settled into cold. Then we seem to get warm pockets of air for a couple of hours and then freezing and then normal. It is no wonder everyone is skitter skattered. It also becomes difficult when where you visit is different from where you live. You body takes time to adjust. I don't see the Japanese Minister as being impolite. He has to speak up if he and his delegation is cold as you have to when you are too warm. We are past the stage in life where you have to keep those sorts of feelings to yourself. Building heating and air conditioning can sometimes be very erratic though. Some parts of buildings work or not work and some work too well or not enough. Setting temperatures in buildings can be a precarious business for some reason.
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