
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sydney 'not ready' for recycled water.

Sydney 'not ready' for recycled water. :

"'I've always said we've assumed the public is not ready and obviously public support and confidence is an important factor as well as the advice of the health experts,' he said."

Recycled water is not something t drink. Given we live in an accident prone world where nothing is guaranteed then I think recyled water can be used in other ways perhaps. It may have missed us, but one of the reasons we live in a disease free society is that we have sanitation and our drinking water is safe. As soon as we put that at risk we put ourselves back to the societies we lived in where effluent and disease ridden water were a hazard for human beings. 6000 children a day die because they do not have drinkable water. We cannot guarantee recycled drinking water would be safe because of the mistakes everyone keeps making these days. Morris Iemma is right.

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