Rocking round-the-clock lands Japanese woman in prison.:
"'After the defendant stopped playing music the neighbours' health recovered,' Judge Tetsuya Okuda of Nara District Court in western Japan said.
'The defendant's act was a persistent and malicious crime aimed at troubling her neighbours.'"
Tell me about it. I had the misfortune of living next to a young guy who can only be described as living a rather busy and colourful life. Head banging music was a part of it and even though I could talk with him from time to time he just couldn't get it that I needed to sleep regular hours. So, he was driving us all nuts. I went and saw my neighbours and explained my plan, because the truth is, he wasn't actually unlikeable, he'd been left there when his parents moved out and just had way too much fun. The oldies who moved in after him were a real breath of fresh air!! Anyway, I waited until he was up really, really late one night. I am actually not too bad at sleeping no matter what. I got a good night's sleep, watched for him to stumble out the back bleary eyed and feeling worse than he looked. I have some brilliant big speakers. I organised them to hit his back garden area and just let him have Alice Cooper, followed by Black Sabbath at full bore with a lot of grunt...and, do you know, he used to come and ask if his music was too loud after that!!! We still have a wee chuckle about it. Had that not worked I guess I'd've reported him because we were all wearing a bit thin and the shift working guy was beside himself. It is a dreadful strain. My floorboards used to vibrate with some of his stuff. Should he have been jailed ? I don't think so. What to do if they don't respond? Now, that's where it does get hard, I guess.
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