
Saturday, March 19, 2005

The Irrawaddy On-line Edition

The Irrawaddy On-line Edition

"Post-tsunami Burmese migrant survivors, many of whom lost all their possessions and their identity and registration papers, now face another crisis—Thailand’s Immigration Department has been rounding up Burmese nationals that cannot prove they are in Thailand legally and deporting them. (This has complicated and slowed the victim identification effort as many Burmese have been too afraid to visit body collection centers.)"

I believe they have to leave by March 30th. Bad enough they went though the tsunami. That they cannot identify and grieve their own people is sad. That they must leave Thailand where they lived is sad...but we have the Baxter detention centre and that's sad too. Burmese people have had social justice issues which have been recognised in many public arenas. Do we keep ignoring things like this in the world? Isn't this the same world which rushed to lend a helping hand the day after the tsunami hit? Why do we change so quickly?

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