
Sunday, April 30, 2006


7news technology:

"A national audit of scanning in retail outlets has found that 80 per cent of stores across the country have at least one item that scans at an incorrect price.

In the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory more than 90 per cent of stores using the electronic equipment were found to get at least one item wrong."

Considering the thousands and thousands of items that some stores carry, one false entry probably is quite good. Not all check outs have the proce showing as the goods are scanned. That to me is the easiest way of checking as you go through your items. Some stores are bad at getting the sale prices or some operators charge you twice for things. I am very wary of that now. The catalogue prices or the in house specials are often not on the checkout prices. Some stores are brilliant at pricing and scanning and I guess it all comes down to efficiency and pride in what you are doing. I find most stores to be very good but my pet hate is trying to get the price corrected at the check out. It takes ages, holds everyone up and really puts me off. I now go to the information deask and am told I should have done it at the check out but I am not going to put the check out operator and other customers under pressure because the store hasn't updated its prices. I confess it has happened maybe once a year. Not bad, really. I used to be short changed in the good old days before electronic equipment. It's just the technological version of that.

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