
Monday, March 06, 2006

Child obesity levels expected to soar.

Child obesity levels expected to soar. :

"'When we looked at the overweight it was astonishing to see that nearly half of children in both North and South America could be overweight in just four years' time,' he said.

Changes in diet, a decrease in physical activity and too much time spent in front of computer or television screens have been blamed for the growing number of overweight children worldwide."

I am stunned when I see these great big houses with no gardens being built. It's all about size and floor space. How do kids skate, ride their bikes, skip, play tennis or back yard cricket? Parents are often working long hours and kids sit at school and then sit at home because we don't want noisy children. Then we don't want damaged children either and there have been pleanty of predators out on the streets. My anser is to get more adults out there. People used to sit on their vaerandah or be walking to the shops or park. I have noticed we have more people out walking with or without dogs and often with their babies in strollers and their littlies alongside. All good!

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