
Friday, February 24, 2006

Lovely weather for the ducks

It has been lovely weather for the ducks and the north of the city seems to have taken a hammering again with flooding. No such thing as normal rain anymore. Always to excess and extreme and always to cause damage ,inconvenience and trauma. What happened to just weather? The flooding around the place is also bringing snakes out and we do not have kind, gentle snakes. So we need to have a look at how we will manage this excess water which drops from heaven, not just here but elsewhere in the world. We need to make some fundamental changes so we are not constantly awash and our homes ruined and destroyed. Maybe the pole houses will make a comeback. There is a great one in one of the gullies around here and I can't quite remember where or I'd get a photo of it. The difficulty with pole houses is how to keep pets and children safe.

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