Blind eye to wheat kickbacks :
"AUSTRALIAN government officials have known for at least five years that Saddam Hussein was corrupting the oil-for-food program but, like the UN, turned a 'blind eye to it', according to evidence at the Cole inquiry."
290 million dollars had been supplied to Saddam Hussein's regime in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. I realise the Cole inquiry is not finished and that we have more to hear, so I'm still not listening to any of this. So, we have been doing this since 2001 and no one noticed? Okay. I also read somewhere that 65 other countries had paid kick backs to the regime. 65? That's a lot of countries. Maybe they were wrong. And these countries didn't know either? I do believe there is very great need for greater control over government financial affairs and that large sums of money going out from big companies ought to be noticeable unless they have dreadful accountants. Only a few noughts. Don't suppose it mattered. Maybe it's just like my losing 10 dollars. In the scheme of things I probably wouldn't notice. I'm not the government though and I am not a big business. I'd be worried if someone in my business could syphon off at least 6 noughts with a couple of numbers attached.
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