Riot SMS's reach Gold Coast:
"MOBILE phone text messages calling for people to start 'cracking skulls' have surfaced on the Gold Coast.
The text messages targeting ethnic groups are similar to ones which sparked the Sydney race riots."
We've got this all back to front. We have been told time and time again by the government to be alert and not alarmed, so what do we do? We got alarmed and stopped being alert. It's all designed to be reactive. Control is about action not reaction. It's like the G8 fracas, the Paris uproar, the mess in the north of's the same pattern and MO everywhere. I have learned we are way too easily manipulated and we are far too biddable. We just go off because someone said. I am not worried about our overseas image because it's happening elsewhere in well chosen pockets and what we are learning is it is so easy to change from control to over the top. It's way too easy to disengage people's brains. As adults we need to track back and find the root cause/ causes. It's the good old domino effect and the subsequent crisis and uproar engages a lot of personnel in managing the chaos. We are going to have to think more and learn not to react to bait. We have picked it up hook, line and sinker as others have around the world.
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