
Friday, December 09, 2005

internet telephony

Australian IT - Cheap chat: internet telephony comes of age :

"Soft phones are small software packages that can be loaded to a laptop computer and used to make and receive phone calls. With the addition of a headset and microphone, call quality is usually as good as, if not better than, using a standard telephone."

You know a certain technology has made it when you hear normal people talking about it. In the last week there have been a number of instances where I have had nomal folk tell me they have been using VoIP. They are using it from laptops and it has been to sustain overeas contacts while they are away. It must be easier than the other ways or these people, particularly my friend in America who is not noted for her IT savvy, are using it. I don't understand it yet and don't know if it's worth it. Cost wise it seems to be and I guess it'll be as common as mobiles I had better get good at it!

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