
Saturday, December 10, 2005

Goldfish gets cosmetic surgery

Goldfish gets cosmetic surgery:

"Lucky the comet goldfish underwent the procedure last week to remove six unsightly tumours that had grown over his scales."

Dr. Jim Greenwood removed the growths in an operation which lasted 35 minutes. Some goldfish last for years and so owners become attached to them. This one was in a pet shop and the vet is training them in care of goldfish. I have always owned an aquarium and the longest my fish lave lasted in 10 years. I had a big loss just recently and had to replace just about all fo the fish. Considering I use rainwater to replenish the tank and I am vigilant with cleanliness, it was a bit of a worry. The new fish are the best fish I have ever had. They have really happy personalitites and seem brighter than my other fish! I used to have a pond too and my fish used to grow as big as Lucky. If anything had happened to them I might have consulted with a vet. I keep fish because they are very relaxing to watch. Apparently they react to seismic activity, which might explain why my fish were going mental last Christmas. They kept dashing around the tank or you'd hear all this splashing which is very unusual. I don't know. They have been very quiet as usual.

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