Europeans to help identify Katrina victims. :
"The International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) was set up in Sarajevo to help identify the thousands of victims of the Bosnian war."
This is the kind of world I want to see develop and grow in 2006. It is the sort of international co operation which highlights our strength as a human race. No country can be good at everything. No country should need to develop everything for itself. We should have matured sufficiently where we can work co operatively together so that each nation develops its areas of expertise and then we have an international skills register. This way we all benefit, we are not in competition and we can offload this negative, suspicious approach. It might be too Utopian for some, but I actually believe most of us can achieve that. I think we keep creating models to incorporate the dysfunctional instead of realising most of us are okay and the destructive people need to be snapped into line. I hope the Europeans can identify the bone samples well enough for people to be identified. It must be awful for the relatives who have lost people not to know if they are lost, alive, dead or what they are.
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