
Monday, November 07, 2005

Year 12s face their toughest lesson to date

The Advertiser: Year 12s face their toughest lesson to date :

"More than 17,000 teenagers this year undertook the second stage of the South Australian Certificate of Education, SACE.

Of those, almost 13,000 will sit final tests in the three-week exam period, beginning today."

Those are not bad numbers ast all for SA. Better to be at school doing something, than sitting at home or wandering at will at a loose end. Maybe not all the courses are as great as some might want, but if the kids are happy and engaged I see that as better than teenagers at a loose end. It's about moving forward. We have all been thinking about them starting their exams. November is a busy, hectic and often stressful month for year 12s. As a parent I was so glad to get year 12 and November out of the way!

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