
Monday, November 07, 2005

It's hard to beat the bush

The Australian: It's hard to beat the bush :

"Instead of giving up on regional Australia, as the federal Government seems to have done, we need to work out how to support and build on these exciting developments. Increasingly, these regional centres and neighbouring country towns are producing high-value products for national and global markets. They are benefiting from the creation of the open, competitive economy."

This is a lovely article by Craig Emerson in praise of regional Australia. Regional Australia has a strong character and voice and I guess more people would adopt the country if commuting to main cities were easier, if some of the ameniites of the big city were available. Craig Emerson takes a very positive look at what our country areas have to offer. Bendigo, one of the towns he mentions is a self sufficient very artistic, down to earth community of its own but it's right up there with technology, has a fantastic community atmosphere and is a place where you can enjoy art, books, culture, music, cuisine, tradition. It is 2 hours from Melbourne. I think it's true, we need to look at creating some better links between city and country. It would do us all good. Country popel would feel connected, their relaxed nature would rub off on the stress of city dwellers and city people could bring their ideas and knowledge to the country. We need a plan. What's the first thing we shall so?

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