
Friday, November 25, 2005

Teen arrested 'after 36hr rampage'

The Advertiser: Teen arrested 'after 36hr rampage' :

"A TEENAGER who allegedly stole five cars, knocked a 14-year-old boy unconscious, snatched bags and tried to rob people at knifepoint during a 36-hour rampage on the Gold Coast has been remanded in custody."

This is an 18 year old. Why would you knock a 14 year old boy unconscious to get his school bag? When you are 18? He's snatched bags at a shopping centre, tried to rob people at knife point and has stolen cars. To get to other places where he will try to steal? I gather he has an urgent need for cash and I gather he is not very well because he is not behaving in a rational way to raise income. I hope the little boy he knocked out is okay because 14 year olds like to think they are pretty grown up and it will come as a blow to his ego he was flattened. He's got cuts and bruises on his face so it's all about upsetting his young life in a nasty way. I expect his family are getting him through it. As for the 18 year old...he needs all the help he can get. Did no one report him in those 36 hours?

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