
Saturday, June 11, 2005

Join the Greenpeace virtual march against whaling

Join the Greenpeace virtual march against whaling - Blackmores Australia:

"At the time of writing, Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell has been campaigning for other countries to join Australia in voting against resumption of commercial whaling at the IWC meeting next week. Sadly, at this stage indications are that the pro-whaling lobby still has a good chance of winning."

The link for the virtual march is on the Blackmores site. Truly, why would we be made to look so stupid because we want to protect whales, we want them to flourish and we want them to be able to live in a safe, happy way in our oceans. The criticism we have received is like we are a whole bunch of tree hugging, stupid ningnongs for wanting to protect very special creatures who are threatened because of our human behaviour. What's in it for the other countries that they would want to commerically exploit whales? Why would they want to kill a threatened species? What is in it for them that they cannot look at farming them in some way? What will be there to exploit if they are depleted in numbers again? Why drive whales onto beaches and pretend it has nothing to do with us? That we don't need to bother? The thousands of people in WA who got off their butts in freezing weather to help the false killer whales who were beached are the sort of people I want on the planet. There is room for everybody and everything. There is no need to sacrifice one species for the sake of another.

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