
Friday, November 18, 2005

Govt to fast-track digital TV

Australian IT - Govt to fast-track digital TV :

"But Australians have proved reluctant to buy the boxes, which retail at $120 or more and which at this stage only offer improved quality and no extra services"

A lovely marketing con to make extra money from the unsuspecting. The 120 dollar set top boxes are standard definition and they are not worth buying. Subsidising the high definition ones is a good move but that now has to be coupled with the news I have heard that the new version of windows will need a new, flashy monitor and some buyers might prefer to put their money into the home theatres. There is only so much money we have and already we are stockpiling "obsolete" items which still work because they have no resale value and we cannot dispose of them. We really are shockingly wasteful and it is really starting to show now. We actually want to be able to decide, not have all this expense foisted upon us because it suits others to spend our cash.

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