
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Navy ships 'seen near' stranded pod

The Advertiser: Navy ships 'seen near' stranded pod :

"Up to 130 long-finned pilot whales died after beaching themselves in the area in the past two days, Tasmania's Parks and Wildlife Service said today.

The first stranding was discovered early yesterday and last night, more whales, believed to be from the same pod, also beached themselves."

This is awful 130 whales which we can't get back. I hope it wasn't the Navy ships. That is just so awful to kill that many whales and make the people trying to rescue them so heartbroken and exhausted. believe it or not, we do care about our wild life. You wouldn't believe it from this. They said on the news the geography of the area can lend itself to strandings...Whatever has happened, whales have lived in the water and know their water. We have had strandings and they seem to be rather large. I daresay whales can get stranded by accident, but two lots and this many? If we have done this, it's a horrible way to treat another species on the planet.

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