
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cornelia Rau's sister tells of hate mail

The Advertiser: Rau sister tells of hate mail :

"She said this was felt 'very personally' when a letter meticulously smeared with faeces on one side' was sent to them on the eve of the Palmer report's release."

Cornelia Rau was the mentally ill person who was wrongfully detained in Baxter. Everyone except Immigration had realised she was very ill. She had even been put in prison. The detainees kept up the concern on her behalf and public pressure and some active key people got Cornelia Rau free. On that score I think, however concerned and upset, frustrated and perturbed, Christine Rau feels, she will evetually realise that most people in Australia were horrified with what had occurred to her sister and public pressure and cohesion helped to free her . As for that feces smeared letter...It was sent on the eve of the Palmer report. Most people would not have known when that was. So it had to be someone who could know that. Your average citizen would have no idea when that report was going to be published. It was "meticulously" smeared. So which person does careful artwork like that other than a well known New Zealand artist whose paintings sell for a fortune? She would not have sent it. She'd be resting or painting. Think about it. Who in their right mind sends carefully smeared letters to Christine Rau on the eve of the Palmer report? Not me, not you and not the normal Australian. We were outraged by what happened to Cornelia Rau. We wanted the detention centre shut and we wouldn't even think of sending poo covered letters to people. We email!!

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