
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Pace for Peace

20,000 Km for world peace and co operation. That's Carl Hebel's, marathon runner's, plan. He leaves Healesville in Victoria on 23rd October and it will be the start of a massive trek for world peace and he would welcome others along the way. His
Chain of Co operation
site gives you some information and an opportunity to contact him. You, too, can be a Pacer for Peace when he gets to a place near you!!

In a similar way Canadian
Jean Beliveau
left home,Quebec, in 2000 and 4 years later was in Kenya. At the time he thought he had 8 more years on the road, but I have heard nothing of him. His mission?The United Nations' Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation's 2000-2010 International Decade for Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the Children of the World Whatever happened to that idea? Whatever happened to Jean Beliveau?

I wish Carl Hebel and all his pacers well. At least the Ministry of Peace is alive and well.
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