
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Killing fields of Kangaroo Island | Killing fields of Kangaroo Island (08-03-2005):

"AN Asian television station has branded the state's premier eco-tourism
destination, Kangaroo Island, a 'killing ground' where farmers are
defying jail terms by illegally shooting koalas."

Yes, this is news. I don't suppose tourists would like to have starving koalas dropping out of trees on top of them. The koalas eat a lot and Kangaroo Island is small. Very small. It is an isolated area. I cannot bear the thought of koalas being killed because I see no need for it. They are happy and healthy on Kangaroo Island and so the population explodes. Koalas breed prolifically when they are happy and healthy. A while a go we had a problem because our koalas were so sick and they were under threat and we had scientists working on cures. Well, they worked! The farmers will kill them because Australians are very used to droughts and no farmer will allow an animal to starve to death. We have built out and threatened koalas in other areas in Australia and my preference is to move them out and relocate them. Now. Not think about it. Do it. Organise it, stop talking about it, just do it. I also think the animal keepers in our country need to be in charge of this because our bio diversity experts have looked after our koalas well. Kangaroo Island just got out of control. Killing is not the answer. Sterilising , yes. Relocation, yes. But don't leave the farmers there to live there and solve it while you sit back and think about it. Starving animals are too distressing to live with.

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