
Sunday, September 04, 2005

Finals fever

Big weekend about to come up in Adelaide next week. We'll be going off big time!! Both Port Adelaide and the Crows are in the next round of the finals and they will be playing each other next weekend. Adelaide will go mental! We were all very quiet this weekend watching to see how our teams went...but for them to play each other this close to the premiership guarantees no one in Adelaide will be very focussed this week...except on the all important football. I watched the Crows match this weekend and that was close but I couldn't believe how many times the Crows lost the ball in the middle of the field. Their first loss for quite some time...and Port just powered their match in so the Port supporters were fully charged. And which one do I follow? Neither and both. I am not a football supporter but I am surrounded by football fanatics at home and at work. Some Crows supporters and some Port I get to watch and appreciate both teams and just enjoy a good match. My sport of choice is cricket!!

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