
Monday, August 01, 2005

Race relations

Academic involved in race row allowed on campus.:

"Professor Yerbury says that while Professor Fraser is free to make any comments he chooses as an individual, arrangements have been made to replace him this semester."

This is supposed to be a free country and we are supposed to have freedom of speech. If people open their mouths, then they have to face the consequences and it's unfortunate that we constanty have to be protected from things which we might not want to hear. I'd rather hear what people are thinking. That way I know what I am dealing with. To suggest we need protecting from someone like Professor Fraser is treating us as though we are unable to manage someone who thinks like that . We are adults. If we don't like what we hear we can say so. I am surprised someone of Professor Fraser's stature would think in such narrow terms and be guilty of promulgating vague racial generalisations which can only do harm. Or will they? Do you actually believe what he said? Can you actually take it seriously? We all know what he's like now.

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