
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Iraq constitution set for parliamentary vote.

Iraq constitution set for parliamentary vote. :

"Iraq's Parliament will vote on a constitution on Sunday regardless of the minority Sunni position on the draft, parliament Speaker Hajim al-Hasani said."

It's a massive step forward and we are all hoping that the things which care not wholly agreed upon can be resolved in time. That is a democracy. I well remember the discussion, debate and at times, hair pulling, when we were trying to agree upon the preamble to our constitution. In the end , you have to put it down and agree to it and know that when you want to come back to it to tinker and make changes, you can. It's about the majority . It's about the things which most people agree to. Sometimes, in time, the majority will come around to a minority view because it can be demonstrated that it is worth having. I hope the Sunnis can find worth in the constitution they have all worked on even though they have particular disagreements about some of it. From here I cannot say who is right and who is wrong and what I think. I don't know if it is good to have all autonomous regions deleted except the Kurdish North. I do know that the states here want to be the states they are. No state would want to be dissolved, annexed or amalgamated. These things are very close to the hearts of Australians. I do know that in Iraq , the parliament has worked for a long time on its constitution and that is a good thing. I do know they have appeared to have listened to each other. What they have now is a greater understanding of the "sticking" points for them and these are the things which have become clear and can now be dealt with. I say this and sound as though it's not much. It is much, a very great deal, because these things are the things which people hold in their hearts and those things are always difficult to compromise on and the thought of change can be very threatening. I hope the consitution will pass the referendum in October. It'll be such a huge step in the right direction.

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