
Sunday, August 28, 2005

MP urges school headscarf ban.

MP urges school headscarf ban. :

"She says Australia should allow Muslim women to follow their religious beliefs as freely as any other women.

'What [Mrs Bishop is] saying to me is on one hand our Government is supporting the freedom of the people in Iraq and [she's] saying to me as an Australian Muslim woman that I cannot exercise my freedom of religious rights,' she said."

In time, people who wear a veil, or scarf may abandon it. It is not something you insist upon because of what it means to Muslim girls to show their hair. It's like insisting women should not be allowed to wear trousers. Some nations still have modesty as part of their dress code. Some nations still have clothing for each sex. Some nations have taboos on what can and cannot be revealed in public. Since we have gone past that and infact, do not care whether people are properly attired or not, then we need to be mindful that some cultures still enjoy a belief in appropriate apparel and modest clothing. The veil is not quirky clothing. It is not a fashion item. It's about hiding your hair and being a woman of that culture. Later on, these women may chose to abandon their veils because they are living in our society, but I wouldn't want to have to wear a grass skirt and coconut top because that is island dress in some places, even if I did choose to live there. It's how you are brought up.

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