
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Discovery gets a piggyback home.

Discovery gets a piggyback home. :

"The space shuttle Discovery has begun the return journey to its Florida home port from its landing site in California, riding piggyback on top of a modified Boeing 747 jumbo jet."

It's hilarious in a way that the shuttle has to be piggybacked home!! It's been all that way out into space and back from the ISS and now it's too tired. "Can you carry me??" Not only that, the poor carrier has to make two stops in Oklahoma and Louisiana before it can get the shuttle back to Florida. Just like when you really piggy back someone! You'd think that flying across country would be a doddle after all that space flight. One day we'll have a shttle that can fly out into space and across our normal air space. Won't that be something.

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