
Monday, August 01, 2005

Constitution disputes in Iraq News - International - Constitution disputes threaten hold-up in Iraqi peace process:

"The decision to ask for an extension was taken after a number of members said it was clear that major issues stood in the way of an agreement on the language of the charter. Among the key disputes are federalism, dual nationality and the role of Islam."

When I heard this on the news today, I actually thought it was a good idea for them to be negotiating the sorts of things they were uncertain about. Clarifying where religious beliefs stood in their constitution, for instance, would seem to be a very important issue. I know we'd all love to tie up the loose ends and put a pretty bow on top of this, but it's been a mess. Unpicking the mess is going to be an arduous porcess. To hurry it will be counter productive and my belief it makes more sense to have a constitution which means something to them as Iraqis than a constitution that suits our short term needs. May the 30 days which have been granted produce something they all want. Took us forever just to work out the preamble to our constitution! We have to encourage them and support them, because for them, this is very important to the future of their country.

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