
Friday, July 29, 2005

Hopes bloody, 30-year campaign is over

The Advertiser: Hopes bloody, 30-year campaign is over :

"THE Irish Republican Army, which today ordered a halt to its armed campaign in favour of a purely political path, has waged a bloody campaign for the reunification of Ireland for more than 30 years."

There have been the doubting Thomas' comments and one or two patronising ones thrown in and it would seem some people would rather people failed than succeeded. What do you speak, my lord....Words, words, words and some fear Hamlets's words will be for nought . That is what I love about the world. People need to think about it . I can't stand how negative people are. If the IRA and the Aceh people can agree to bring peace to their areas after 30 years of bloodshed and disruption, then maybe they are the very people who will know how to negotiate peace deals elsewhere. These are not stupid men and nor are they easily frightened . As peace keepers they would have a number of negotiating skills that you or I don't have because they will know how to talk to people who can't see past destruction . So instead of sitting there doubting, look at what we have been given in 2005 and encourage these people to become part of a world at peace. Put the wars behind us. It's true, we have heard a lot of words, but not just from the IRA. They and the people of Aceh have put themsleves in the public arena to negotiate peace deals. Something we should all look at instead of all these guns, bomb, explosions, killings...time for a change. Killing people doesn't fix anything.

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