
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

High-tech trolley aims to transform shopping.

High-tech trolley aims to transform shopping. :

"Vernon Slack from Fujitsu says the high-tech trolley will save shoppers time and give them more information as they shop."

Great idea...a trolley which adds up as you go and can apparently remind you of the things to get once it gets to know you!! (Fair enough!). Pity they can't work on the wheels. That is the absolute pits, the trolley with the skewwhiff wheels. As for the notion of the consumer reconsidering their purchases? I don't think so. I have been behind shoppers who have been embarrassed at over purchasing and have had to get their items unscanned until they can afford some of their intended purchases. People are very careful these days and that trolley will alleviate the embarrassment at the check out, but also might help with the stupid hold ups of those items which do not scan and all the rigmarole that goes with that. That's how supermarkets lose purchases. You get fed up waiting while they hunt down a bar code and many people just opt out of the purchase when it's busy or they are busy.

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