
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cyclist update waits on family arrival

The Advertiser: Cyclist update waits on family arrival :

"Tasmanian Institute of Sport director Paul Austen said Yaxley had been moved to the same hospital as her critically injured team-mate, Alexis Rhodes, and her condition was critical but stable."

It's world news, it's big,sad news here, and the doctors are showing admirable aplomb because all the big German newspapers are covering this awful event. It's less important that our girl's team has been wiped out than the fact we have lost one amazingly talented and fantastic althete in Amy Gillett and two are in a lot of trouble. The rest of the team are the walking wounded. Our women althletes are amazingly resilient and have a very unique, down to earth approach to life. They have always been great people and great role models because they are so unassuming . They take their training seriously, they don't usually fall over if they make a muck of something and their spirit has inspired any number of girls to take up and play sport. These girls will manage all of this but the cost is awful and we know it. We have nothing but admiration for them and our sympathy is heartfelt; it is not pity.

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