
Sunday, July 24, 2005

DIY shopping

Australian IT - Rolling over checkout queues (Annabelle McDonald and Anna Hodgekiss, JULY 21, 2005):

"He said when the customer had finished shopping, they would pay the amount displayed on their trolley computer. But checkout attendants would also 'audit' the products in the trolley to ensure they matched up with those paid for by the customer."

I can see these trolleys being pretty handy and people liking them. Some will avoid them for a while. As for trusting the customer..well, let's think a little more positively, shall we? I was in the supermarket the other day and I got as far as swiping my credit card to pay for the purchases when the computer hung. This is the first time in all the years we've had scanned shopping this has ever happened to me. Nothing could persuade the computer to move. So I had to go to another check out, empty my bags and start again. The total was about 2 dollars dearer this time. I just said it wasn't the same total. Blah blah.Blah, blah. For nearly 2 dollars I wasn't going to put my shopping through a third time. These computers can be scurrilous too.

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