
Sunday, July 24, 2005

Low speed pursuit

The Advertiser: Teens 'on 30km/h joyride on grader' [24jul05]: "Officers began a low-speed pursuit, following the grader for about four minutes as it travelled at a top speed of 30km/h."

It was very naughty of the boy and man to steal the grader but this was really funny when it was reported on the news. You don't really expect an 18 year old to steal a grader but we do have some young boys at the moment with a facination for trucks, cars, trams, trains and now building equipment. The police said it was the slowest chase they had ever had. The boys didn't pull over when they first put on the lights etc. This is what bothers me. Balance and boundaries have to come back. Thinking you can ignore the police isn't a good idea. I suppose they thought this was a big adventure but I gather the police were a bit careful because a grader can do an awful lot of damage in one easy swoop, or if it tips over, and they probably needed to work out the frame of mind the boy and man were in . We are so used to all the death and destruction high speed break neck stuff it just sounded really funny that the police had had to crawl behind the grader until they finally got it to stop.

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